Laboratoire de Géosciences du Pacifique Sud

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Publications 2004

9 publications:

  1. Barruol, G., A. Deschamps, and O. Coutant, Mapping Upper mantle anisotropy beneath SE France by SKS splitting indicates a Neogene asthenosphere flow induced by the Apenninic slab rollback and deflected by the deep Alpine roots, Tectonophysics, 394, 125-138, 2004
  2. A.Guarino and V. Vidal, Hexagonal pattern instabilities on a non-Boussinesq fluid in rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection : Experimental results, Physical review E vol 69 066311 (2004).
  3. Martinez, E., K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, 2004, Islands mass effect in the Marquesas Islands : time variation, Geophysical Research Letters, 31, L18307, doi:10.1029/2004GL020682
  4. Martinez E, K. Maamaatuaiahutapu (2004), Island mass effect in Marquesas islands : seasonal variations, Geophys. Res. Lett., 31, L18307, doi:10.1029/2004GL020682.
  5. N’Yeurt A. D. R. and Payri C. E. 2004, A preliminary annotated checklist of the marine algae and seagrasses of the Wallis Islands (French Overseas Territory of Wallis and Futuna), South Pacific, Australian Systematic Botany 17: 367-397.
  6. Andréfouët, S., Payri, C.E., Hochberg, E. J., Hu, C., Atkinson, M.J. and Muller-Karger, F. E. (2004), Use of in situ and airborne reflectance for scaling-up spectral discrimination of coral reef macroalgae from species to communities. MEPS , 283 : 161-177.
  7. Stiger V., Deslandes E., and C.E. Payri (2004), Phenolic contents of two brown algae, Turbinaria ornata and Sargassum mangarevense on Tahiti (French Polynesia) : interspecific, ontogenic and spatio-temporal variations, Botanica Marina 42:407-409.
  8. Andréfouët S. M., Zubia M. and Payri C. E. 2004, Mapping and biomass estimation of the invasive brown algae Turbinaria ornata (Turner) J. Agardh and Sargassum mangarevense (Grunow) Setchell on heterogeneous Tahitian coral reefs using 4-meter resolution IKONOS satellite data. Coral Reefs 23:1:26-38.
  9. Benoît Stoll, Patrick Capolsini, "A Simple Class-Set Based Vegetation Classification of a South Pacific Volcanic Island (Moorea Island, French Polynesia) Using Both AirSAR and MASTER Data", IGARSS 2004, 20-24 Septembre, Anchorage Alaska.
  10. Beysens D., Muselli M., Milimouk I., Ohayon C., Berkowicz S., Soyeux E. and Ortéga P.,"Passive Radiative Condensers to Extract Water from Air", Bull. of the Croatian Meteorological Society, 39, 59-69, (2004)