Laboratoire de Géosciences du Pacifique Sud

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Publications 2006

8 publications:

  1. Pireaux S., J.-P. Barriot and P. Rosenblatt, (SC)RMI : A (S)emi-(C)lassical (R)elativistic (M)otion (I)ntegrator, to model the orbits of space probes around the Earth and other planets, Acta Astronautica, 59, (2006), pp 517-523.
  2. Abbasi M., J.-P. Barriot and J. Verdun, Airborne LaCoste & Romberg gravimetry: a space domain approach, Journal of Geodesy, DOI 10.1007/s00190-006-0107-z, November 2006.
  3. A. Guarino, R. Scorretti, L. Vanel and S. Ciliberto, Cooperative effect of load and disorder in thermally activated rupture of a two-dimensional random fuse network, J. of Stat. Mech, P06020 (2006).
  4. Martinez, E., K. Maamaatuaiahutapu, C. Payri, A. Ganachaud (2006), Turbinaria ornata invasion in the Tuamotu Archipelago, French Polynesia : ocean drift connectivity, Coral Reefs, sous presse, 2006.
  5. S. Andréfouët, S. Ouillon, R. Brinkman, P. Douillet, J. Falter, F. Wolke, R. Smith, P. Garen, E. Martinez, V. Laurent, C. Lo, G. Remoissenet, B. Scourzic, A. gilbert, D. Buestel, E. Deleersnijder, C. Steinberg (2006), State-of-the-art solutions for 3D hydrodynamic modelling applied to aquaculture in atoll lagoons. Marine Pollution Bulletin (Submitted).
  6. D. Beysens, M. Muselli, I. Milimouk, C. Ohayon, S. Berkowicz, E. Soyeux, M. Mileta, P. Ortega, Application of passive radiative for dew condensation ; Energy 31, 1967-1979, 2006.
  7. O. Clus, P. Ortéga, M. Muselli, I. Milimouk, D. Beysens, Dew formation in humid tropical climate (French Polynesia) ; soumis à Journal of Hydrology, (juin 2006).
  8. Cédric Lardeux, Pierre-Louis Frison, Jean-Paul Rudant, Jean-Claude Souyris, Céline Tison, Benoît Stoll, "Use of the SVM Classification with Polarimetric SAR Data for Land Use Cartography", IGARSS 2006, July 31- August 04, Denver, Colorado.
  9. Beysens D., Muselli M., Milimouk I., Ohayon O., Berkowicz S., Soyeux E., Ortega P., "Application of passive radiative cooling for dew condensation", Energy, Vol. 31, pp1967-1979, (2006)