Laboratoire de Géosciences du Pacifique Sud

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Publications 200X

5 publications:
  1. Fontaine F. R., Ildefonse B., and Bagdassarov N. S., Temperature dependence of shear wave attenuation in partially molten gabbronorite at seismic frequencies, accepted for publication in Geophysical Journal International, doi:10.1111/J.1365-246X.2005.02767.
  2. Fontaine F. R., Hooft E. E. E., Burkett P. G., Toomey D. R., Solomon S. C., and Silver P. G., Shear wave splitting beneath Galapagos archipelago, accepted for publication in Geophysical Research Letters, in press.
  3. S. Residori and A. Guarino, Anomalous oscillation mode in the 1D Faraday instability, Accepté par l'European Journal of Physics.
  4. Millar, A and Payri C. E., New records of marine benthic algae from New Caledonia, South Pacific, Journal Phycological Research (en revue).
  5. Raguénès, G., Moppert, X., Richert, L., Ratiskol, J., Payri, C.E., Costa, B. and Jean Guezennec. A novel exopolymer-producing bacterium, Paracoccus zeaxanthinifaciens subsp. payriae, isolated from a "kopara" mat located in Rangiroa, an atoll of French Polynesia, Current Microbiology, 49 (3) : 145-151.